
  • Eshmatova Yulduz, Muminova Umida Author


pedagogue, society, public education, education, technology, knowledge, skill, qualification.


This article highlights aspects such as increasing the role of pedagogues in the public education system and society, creating the necessary conditions and facilities for their work, and increasing the role of teachers in society.


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Chorshanbiyeva Ra’no, Muminova Umida Karshiyevna, Innovative Approach as a Condition for Improving the Educational Process in a Modern School , Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education: Vol. 2 No. 4 (2023): Web of Semantic: Universal Journal on Innovative Education

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Qarshiyevna M. U. Lexical-Grammatical Characteristics of the Noun in Ancient Turkish Language International Interdisciplinary Research Journal Volume 2 Issue 1. – 2023.





