Ensuring digitization and management of all stages of enterprise supply through introduction of modern information technologies in enterprises operating in industrial sector, and systematic implementation of work to integrate installed software products with technological re-equipment programs of these enterprises; achieving transparency of financial and economic activities through the introduction of modern software products and advanced information and communication systems in exporting enterprises to prevent production of products (works, services) in accordance with the world standards and production interruptions, reduce production costs and maximize profits achieving the introduction of innovative digital management systems and Fintech (financial technology) software products;increase export potential by establishing mechanisms for interaction with customers (clients) in a transparent, virtual, B2B form remotely (online platforms) in order to improve customer service and increase sales in export operations; improving the system of support for reception of management data, including through introduction of real-time business analysis system and enterprise resource management system (ERP) in large businesses with a large share of the country's export potential.
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