
  • Bakhrnov Zhakhongir Zhasurovich Author


The review is devoted to terminology, causes of development, epidemiology, and clinical significance of occult HBV infection (OVI). Attention is focused on the differences in the definitions of OVI given by the European, American and Asian-Pacific Associations for the Study of Liver Diseases. Modern data on various types of mutations that can lead to the development of OVI are presented. The issue of the presence of specific mutations that distinguish OVI from other forms of HBV infection, in which the hepatitis B virus antigen (HBsAg) may not be detected, is being discussed. The importance of OVI patients as sources of infection in transplantology and transfusiology is considered. Much attention is paid to the possibility of OVI reactivation in patients with immunosuppression, as well as in cases of coinfection with hepatitis C and HIV viruses. Data on the possible role of OVI in the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma are presented.



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