
  • Anvarbekova Oydinoy Zafarbek qizi , G’ulomova Dilshoda Bobirjon qizi Andijan State Institute of foreign language PhD independent researcher. Student of ASIFL, group-115. Author


Non-traditional pedagogy, Educational innovation, Digital learning platforms, Gamification in education, Project-based learning, Flipped classroom, Collaborative learning, Critical thinking, Pedagogical challenges, Educational outcomes


Non-traditional pedagogical technologies are transforming the educational landscape by introducing innovative methods that enhance learning outcomes and foster critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among students. This article explores the application of these technologies in schools, analyzing their advantages, challenges, and implications for educators, students, and the broader educational system. Drawing on recent research and case studies, the article identifies key strategies for integrating non-traditional approaches, such as project-based learning, gamification, flipped classrooms, and digital platforms. The findings suggest that while these technologies offer significant benefits, their effective implementation requires proper training, resources, and a shift in traditional pedagogical mindsets.


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Anvarbekova, Oydinoy. "HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF PARALINGUISTICS." Академические исследования в современной науке 3.7 (2023): 145-148.


