adlinks, lexical semantics, predicative complements, adjectives and statives, mental verbs, English grammar, morphosyntactic analysis, semantics of statives, linguistic classification, historical linguistics.Abstract
This article examines the classification of English statives, words prefixed with "a-" (e.g., afraid, afloat), which are distinct from adjectives. Initially explored by B.A. Ilyish and L.S. Barkhudarov, statives are defined as "adlinks" and primarily function as predicative complements with copular verbs. The study highlights their semantic categories, such as psychological and physical states, as well as time, place, and quantity. Additionally, the article explores the evolution and classification of English mental verbs, comparing them with similar concepts in Russian and Uzbek linguistics. The research contributes to the understanding of statives and mental verbs within English grammar.
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