A fundamental approach to assessing and understanding the features of the structure of the spleen, the size of its functional zones and the distribution of immunocompetent cells in the norm was the recalculation of morphometric indicators taking into account the mass of the organ. As a result of histological, immunohistochemical and morphometric studies of spleen samples of persons who had no history of diseases of the hematopoietic system and other pathology, the minimum and maximum values of relative (%) and absolute values of the mass (g) of white pulp and its compartments, the value of red pulp, as well as the content of cellular elements in these functional zones were determined. It was found that the characteristics of the parameters of white and red pulp depend on the migration properties of immunocompetent cells, the degree of activity of immune processes occurring in various compartments of these zones. According to the data obtained, it seems possible to distinguish three stages of the course of immunoreactive processes in the functional zones of the spleen.
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